Esti Destikarani

I am an Architect

Esti Destikarani

Only a place for express all thoughts into a set of indefinite letters. Hoping to be useful, but being self complacent is very meaningful for me. Thank you, to spend a few minutes just to open this site. Hopefully there's no regret and keep the "kepo" grows to read more articles or sharing stories that I've posted. Its an honor for me if you leave a trail by commenting below the posts. Happy reading and enjoy, Esti.

  • Bandung City
  • +62853-1455-5953

My Professional Skills

I am very good at making dreams but still not ready to wake up and achieve everything I have dreamed of. My time is always used to think about everything. Deeply imagining something satisfying. Because I think everything starts as a dream, but unfortunately its requires ACTION to become true.

AutoCad 80%
SketchUp 90%
Vray for Sketchup 80%
Adobe Illustrator 85%
Adobe Photoshop 85%
Corel Draw 90%
Microsoft Office 90%

Tentang Arsitektur

Kesoktahuan diri ini yang hanya ingin bercakap-cakap tentang arsitektur walaupun ilmunya belum ada apa-apanya. Sharing aja gimanah?

Tentang Travelling

Ah, ini sih cuman konten jalan-jalan biasa. Doain ya, semoga bisa "travelling beneran". Pasti di post deh :)

Curhat Session

Blog ini isinya 1% ilmu, 99% curhat. Jadi buat apa kalian datang haha. Gak deng bercanda. Terimakasih telah berkunjung, luv luv :*

Tentang Portofolio

Berusaha menjadi wanita yang produktif. Cobalah lihat keproduktifan diri ini. Semoga menghibur :')

Hanya Cerita Lampau

Bangsa yang hebat adalah bangsa yang tidak meninggalkan sejarahnya. Begitupun kita sebagai manusia. Apadah wkwk

Artikel Bermanfaat

Nah yang ini semoga beneran bermanfaat ya.

Proyek Desain
design award
facebook like
current projects
  • the guardian angel

    the guardian angel

    when i see your smile, tears run down my face, I can't replace, and now that I'm stronger I've figured out, How this world turns cold and breaks through my soul,
    And I know I'll find deep inside me I can be the one,

    I will never let you fall, I'll stand up with you forever,
    I'll be there for you through it all, Even if saving you sends me to heaven
    It's ok. It's ok. It\s ok.

    Seasons are changing,And waves are crashing, And stars are falling all for us,
    Days grow longer and nights grow shorter, I can show you I'll be the one,

    I will never let you fall, I'll stand up with you forever
    I'll be there for you through it all,Even if saving you sends me to heaven,
    Cuz you're my, you\re my, my true love, my whole heart, Please don't throw that away, Cuz I'm here for you, Please don't walk away, Please tell me you'll stay, stay

    Use me as you will, Pull my strings just for a thrill, And I know I'll be ok, Though my skies are turning gray, I will never let you fall, I'll stand up with you forever

    I'll be there for you through it all, Even if saving you sends me to heaven
  • terima kasih Allah :)

    terima kasih Allah :)

    HAri ini adalah hari yang ditunggutunggu oleh anak kelas 9 pastinya. mereka ga sabar ingin liat hasil yang mereka juangin selama 3 tahun ini.entah itu baik ataupun buruk, yang penting itu adalah hasil perjuangan mereka.

    wah, degdegan banget nih. pa pos belum dateng, takut nem kecil, dll lah.
    eh, ada temen yang ngasih tau situs web hasil un. haha, yaudah bagus, langsung aja dibuka. search nama ESTI DESTIKARANI. mana ya???? nah ini dia! what???!! cuma 33.55 ?? nem aku cuma segitu ! seidh banget rasanya. gatau deh pokonya langsung lemes begitu liat nilai itu. yaAllah mudh-mudahan itu cuma sementrara aja. mudah-mudahan nem itu bisa berubah jadi lebih gede lagi. masalahnya itu, bingungggg. sma mana yg nerima nem segitu coba?? hah..
    udahlah pasrah aja gua mah.
    gimana yang diatas aja.
    ya Allah berikan aku yang terbaik ya Allah.
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    Bandung City, Indonesia



    +62 859 5006 9490

